African Journal of Medicine and Surgery

ISSN 2756-3324

Aims and Scope

African Journal of Medicine and Surgery ISSN 2756-3324 is a scholarly peer-reviewed, open access journal which aims to publish original works of high quality written in English, covering different medical, clinical and surgical specialties. The journal aims to facilitate exchange among scientists and health care professionals to improve the practice of medicine and support development in all areas of the subjects.

AJMS is aimed at both practitioners and researchers and publishes original papers, short communications and case series, as well as up-to-date review articles. The aims and scope of the journal include the following:

  • To publish articles that reflect on the state of the art in cutaneous biology and dermatology by providing original scientific writings, as well as a complete critical review of the dermatology literature for clinicians, trainees, and academicians. 
  • To bring readers cutting edge information in medicine and surgery.
  • To publish scholarly articles on issues of basic and applied science, insightful case reports, medical education, and in depth reviews, all of which provide theoretical framework for practitioners to make sound practical decisions.
  • To make the most important developments in the fields of medicine and surgery easily accessible to the clinician by presenting well-chosen, well-written, and highly organized information in a format that is interesting, clearly presented, and useful to patient care.
  • To put in place a fully online, peer-reviewed open access journal with a global outlook and focus on those training in medicine and surgery .
  • The journal is intended to contain a mix of original clinical and basic science research, reviews, editorials, commentary, perspectives, debate, opinion, case reports etc. The journal crosses the whole disease spectrum of medicine and surgery.